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Monday, May 20, 2013

BISD Physical Day

Bryan ISD hosted the annual 'Physical Day' last Saturday and in doing so, we did something that we have never done before!  We offered FREE immunizations and $15 ECGs!!!  

The immunizations were provided by the Texas A&M Health Science Center in what they call the Health Circus.  The Health Circus offers a wide range of services, including glucose checks, dental screenings and they even have door prizes!  I saw several young children who had received brand new bike helmets!!!!

The ECGs were offered by The Cypress ECG Project.  We had around 60 people take advantage of this amazing opportunity!  We anticipate that more people will participate next year with increased awareness.  

Below is the flyer that I made for the event.  I used to make it (It was kinda hard to get used to but once you know your tools, its 'easy' to make a catchy poster!).  Also, Mrs. Brewer in our Art Department had them printed on their large printers!!!!

We did over 100 more physicals this year than we did last year.  A big thank you to Sandy Farris, BISD's Communications Director, for helping us to promote the event!  Also, we had many physicians, including Dr. Gill, Dr. Distefano, Dr. Barrow, and Dr. Seabolt who gave up their Saturday to make this a success!  Coaches from the middle schools and both high schools aided in vital ways as well.  Not to mention the graduate assistants who gained valuable experience in the process!

Well this is what my Saturday consisted of.  If you are hosting a similar event at your school, I hope that you are successful.  I also would like to suggest to you to seek out the opportunities available to you that would enhance your athletes' health and safety.  Some of our athletes were recommended to have a cardiac screen due to the findings on their PPE.  Since we offered the ECGs onsite, we were able to 'knock that out' with minimal cost and without a trip out of town to a pediatric cardiologist!

If you would like to know more about how all of this was coordinated, please email me!